32749 Franklin Rd Suite 200 Franklin, MI 48025

Invisalign Franklin, MI

Do you want to straighten your smile? We provide Invisalign treatment at Dental House and Aesthetics in Franklin, MI. Invisalign may be right if you have crooked, misaligned, or misshapen teeth but don’t want braces. This cosmetic dental treatment can improve the look and health of your teeth.

Invisalign treatment is an alternative to metal braces for teens and adults who use clear aligners to straighten teeth. The clear aligners are not as noticeable, which means fewer people will pay attention to your teeth. Invisalign aligners are also convenient; you can remove them to eat, drink, and brush your teeth.

Invisalign in Franklin, MI

The Benefits of Invisalign

There are many benefits to Invisalign treatment in our Franklin, MI office. The advantages of Invisalign aligners include: 

  • Clear Aligners: Because Invisalign aligners are clear, they provide a more discreet alternative to traditional braces. Braces use metal wires, brackets, and colorful elastics. Invisalign uses less noticeable clear plastic.
  • Comfortable Treatment: The Invisalign aligners are custom-made from clear plastic. Unlike braces, the aligners do not use wires that can poke and irritate the gums. The clear aligners will fit snugly on your teeth.
  • Simple Care: You can remove Invisalign aligners to eat, brush your teeth, and drink to prevent staining. Because the aligners are removable, you can brush and floss your teeth without the appliance in the way. Additionally, you can prevent stains after treatment by thoroughly cleaning your teeth and gums.

What Can Invisalign Treat?

Invisalign aligners are discreet, comfortable, and removable. We recommend Invisalign for a variety of orthodontic needs, including:

  • Gaps between teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Cross bite
  • Open bite

Clear Invisalign aligners can help straighten crooked teeth. Because crooked teeth are harder to clean, they can often lead to problems like tooth and gum infection. Food debris and bacteria can build between misaligned teeth.

In addition, crooked teeth can increase your risk of developing a TMJ disorders. Many patients with an uneven bite can experience jaw pain and headaches. Invisalign treatment offers more than aesthetic benefits. Straightening crooked teeth can make it easier to eat comfortably and can improve your oral hygiene. 

Pretreatment Exam

Before Invisalign treatment, we examine your teeth to ensure that Invisalign fits your needs. Invisalign is best for mild to moderate orthodontic problems. However, we will not recommend Invisalign if you have severe orthodontic issues.

We will also not recommend Invisalign if you have TMD. Problems like teeth clenching and grinding can damage your aligners.

Our office will also take dental X-rays and check your bite to ensure that Invisalign is right for your smile. Dr. Shayota will also ensure you are in good oral health.

Once we determine that you are an Invisalign candidate, we will start the Invisalign process.

Invisalign Treatment in Franklin, MI

To begin Invisalign treatment, we take dental impressions of your teeth. We send these impressions to a dental lab that creates a series of clear, plastic aligners. Once the first aligners are complete, you will return to our office for a fitting.

Each pair of aligners is different. The aligners will gradually shift your teeth into a straighter position. While you may feel some soreness as you get used to each new aligner, this will fade.

Switching each aligner set out every two weeks will keep you on track for completing treatment. We will also help you schedule appointments so we can keep track of your progress. However, you will not need as many visits as you would with traditional braces.

Once you complete the Invisalign treatment, we will provide you with retainers. Retainers are similar to Invisalign aligners or mouthguards and help you keep your teeth straight.

How to Care for Invisalign Aligners

You can only wear your aligners if you drink cold water. Otherwise, you must remove your aligners when you eat or drink. 

There are two main methods for cleaning your aligners. First, use mild soap, cool water, and a toothbrush. Invisalign cleaning crystals or mouthguard soaks can also remove bacteria from the aligners. A mouthguard or aligner soak provides a deep clean.

Do not use hot water to clean your aligners. Ensure your Invisalign aligners are dry before you place them in their case. Additionally, do not wrap your aligners in a paper towel or napkin because you can throw them away.

Clean your aligners after every use. After eating, brush and floss your teeth. This can prevent food buildup in the aligners. Then, you can place your aligners back on your teeth.

Invisalign FAQs

Do you have questions about Invisalign? Learn more about what is involved with Invisalign treatment in our Franklin, MI, office:

Who is Invisalign for?

Invisalign benefits teenagers and adults who have mild to moderate orthodontic problems. Patients with overbites, underbites, crossbites, tooth gaps, and crooked teeth benefit from Invisalign treatment.

We may also recommend Invisalign if patients experience orthodontic relapse, which occurs when teeth drift out of alignment following treatment. Patients who do not wear their retainer after treatment can experience this problem.

What can you eat and drink with Invisalign?

Only drink water when wearing the Invisalign aligners. Otherwise, you do not have dietary restrictions once you remove your aligners. You can eat chips, nuts, popcorn, and other hard or crunchy foods you can’t eat with braces. These foods can get stuck in braces or break the wires. 

Before eating or drinking, remove your Invisalign aligners. Food can get stuck in the tray. Some foods and drinks can also stain the clear aligners. 

How long do you have to wear Invisalign?

We recommend that you wear aligners 20 to 22 hours a day. You should only remove them to brush, floss, eat, and drink. This means you will wear your aligners during sleep.

Wearing the aligners regularly can keep you on track to completing treatment on time. Many patients can complete Invisalign treatment within 12 to 18 months if they continue to wear their aligners. The time it takes to complete your Invisalign treatment will depend on your teeth and aligner care. 

Get a Straighter Smile

Are you interested in clear braces? Do you want to know if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign? Schedule an appointment today or call Dr. Shayota at (248) 963-7925. Dr. Shayota serves Birmingham, Franklin, and the surrounding areas.

Feel free to ask Dr. Shayota if you have questions about treatment. She is here to help.